Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pool Reunions!

I truly feel blessed to see so many special people when we come home.  We try to plan well in advance and everyone is so willing to wait until we're get to Texas.  Summer wouldn't be the same without being together.   This weekend was packed full of being together!

Over 20 years ago we crossed paths with some pretty amazing people.  All of the kids grew up together at Plano East then ALL 6 of us chose to go to Baylor.  We've been in each other's weddings and of course increased in number since then.  Every summer we nail down a date to pull the Prince, Ross, Watkins troops together.  The Rosses graciously host our crowd so we can enjoy their pool.  They also (as usual, even 20 years ago) put out a serious spread. 

G and Me plus the adorable Johnsons!
Mr. Ross and grand daughter, Ryann
The original 6 plus a fellow Panther and Bear (Matt Franks and his wife Ashley)
Julie, David and twins, Ash and Graham, Georgia and me
 Jill (best friend from highschool and BU) and Kate, G (making some awful mean face) and me
 The next night we reunited with our Watkins family.  Again it was a privilege to grow up with most of my cousins usually most are in town.  We  were of course missing some but still had a great group.   And it was an extra treat to have my Aunt Jill in town too.  Aunt Jan and Uncle Jim hosted us for burgers and pool time of course. 
Mama and Georgie
Little cousins table #1
Little Cousins Table #2
Dad, Julie, Dave, Aunt Jan, Celia, Uncle Jim, Ash, Brian
 Aunt Margaret, Aunt Jill, Uncle Jimmy, Jeff
Graham didn't miss a drop of Honey's homemade ice cream!
 Me, Julie, Ash

1 comment:

Sabina said...

LOL! That photo of Georgia staring at Graham! Looks like she's thinking... "Is he REALLY going to eat that ice cream off his belly?" Love it!