While staying in Houston we unpacked completely to camp out at Tatty's (Nick's mom) house. They were all set up for us when we arrived. We had our own rooms, drawers and closets. Plus Tatty made sure we had everything we needed from bath soap to swim diapers. We've had lots of fun and given their house a huge dose of two, little, wild, dirty, loud boys! They might need a 6 month break from our invasion.
Kathy and Ronnie's pool and backyard paradise has been used every single day. What a blessing and treat for us to take advantage of while we're here.

Barrett and Tatty found a frog

Lunch outside

The B's and Aunt Mouse (Nick's sister)

Playing in the rain with Aunt Mouse

Dinner at Mouse's House

Sunset and swimming...including Jake. The boys miss Baker and Brody so much. Thank goodness for big yellow labs at both grandparents' houses.

Sun setting on some white booties (aka biscuits) while the B's look for Cooper the kitty. Most of our evenings end with swimming so we strip down and leave the wet suits outside...I can't help but take a picture of those little "bi-kits" as Barrett calls them. I realize my time is limited.

While I was in Waco Tatty took the boys to ride her friend's horse. Barrett wasn't interested but apparently Snoop Brooks loved it.

I have no idea what's going on with his hat. He was very serious about his horse riding. (we've come a long way...a year ago he was terrified to ride a pony)

The boys have so much fun with Aunt Mouse. She always has a little gift or treat for them plus just loves playing with them. She's a teacher and has a gift for preschool age kids.
We're not sure what to do without her in Doha. She was our #1 babysitter and we all miss her.

Nana and Boppa (Nick's grandparents) came over for swimming and lunch. We were so thankful we got to spend some time with them while we were in Houston.

Ronnie and Tatty
(bummer...bad setting on my camera for these pics, plus the boys weren't cooperative)

Playing dress up with Ronnie's boots

"Cheese" and a chicken nugget - more pool time

Can you tell Barrett just finished his dinner?

Tatty took me and the boys to see their very first movie! Ice Age. I wasn't sure how things would go but it turned out to be a HUGE success. They loved the movie and sat still the whole time!

Although they liked the movie I think they liked the popcorn better

We opted for the 3-D version which turned out to be awesome! The actually kept the glasses on. I just wish they made kid glasses.

Thank you Tatty and Ronnie for a great stay in Houston! Your house/our hotel was more than what we needed. We'll be back for many more swims! Thank you for being so patient and accommodating.
Kathy and Ronnie's pool and backyard paradise has been used every single day. What a blessing and treat for us to take advantage of while we're here.
Barrett and Tatty found a frog

Lunch outside
The B's and Aunt Mouse (Nick's sister)
Playing in the rain with Aunt Mouse
Dinner at Mouse's House
Sunset and swimming...including Jake. The boys miss Baker and Brody so much. Thank goodness for big yellow labs at both grandparents' houses.
Sun setting on some white booties (aka biscuits) while the B's look for Cooper the kitty. Most of our evenings end with swimming so we strip down and leave the wet suits outside...I can't help but take a picture of those little "bi-kits" as Barrett calls them. I realize my time is limited.
While I was in Waco Tatty took the boys to ride her friend's horse. Barrett wasn't interested but apparently Snoop Brooks loved it.
I have no idea what's going on with his hat. He was very serious about his horse riding. (we've come a long way...a year ago he was terrified to ride a pony)
The boys have so much fun with Aunt Mouse. She always has a little gift or treat for them plus just loves playing with them. She's a teacher and has a gift for preschool age kids.
We're not sure what to do without her in Doha. She was our #1 babysitter and we all miss her.

Nana and Boppa (Nick's grandparents) came over for swimming and lunch. We were so thankful we got to spend some time with them while we were in Houston.
Ronnie and Tatty
(bummer...bad setting on my camera for these pics, plus the boys weren't cooperative)
Playing dress up with Ronnie's boots
"Cheese" and a chicken nugget - more pool time
Can you tell Barrett just finished his dinner?

Tatty took me and the boys to see their very first movie! Ice Age. I wasn't sure how things would go but it turned out to be a HUGE success. They loved the movie and sat still the whole time!

Although they liked the movie I think they liked the popcorn better
We opted for the 3-D version which turned out to be awesome! The actually kept the glasses on. I just wish they made kid glasses.
Thank you Tatty and Ronnie for a great stay in Houston! Your house/our hotel was more than what we needed. We'll be back for many more swims! Thank you for being so patient and accommodating.