Sunday, March 10, 2013

Singing Dunes

Seems like we've been out to the Singing Dunes 100 times in the last 5 years.  But it never gets old.
Can you see tiny Barrett climbing the monster dune?
 Brooks at the top!
 And the ladies head up...including little Georgia. 
They made it! 
 Just hangin' with Morgan! She's such a sweetheart to always love on these little monkeys!
 After we enjoyed Fudd's grilled burgers. I introduced everyone to the new and improved Smore! Not Hersheys but Reeces!'ve missed out!
Traci and Teresa licking their chops!
 Barrett with his deliciousness!
 While we were at the Singing Dunes Nick headed to the Inland Sea for the Men's retreat at our church.  
Pretty sweet view

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