We woke up early on the 27th and raced to Dallas. Nick basically jumped out of our truck and into Dad's truck for an afternoon of hunting with my dad and Dave. You don't pass that kind of afternoon up when you live in Doha. The next day we were up and pretending it was Christmas Day. It is so fun to have a house full and such a blessing that the Halls spent the night with us for most of that week. In early December, Honey and Papa's dog Buddy died. It was very sad to be at their house without him. We were so glad to have the Hall's dog Oskie, the big black lab for lots of hugs and cleaning up after kids!
Nothin' like a slightly cheesy family Christmas pose to get things off to a good start :)
Cinderelly and her Daddy
These pictures don't need any description.

Elmo lover sporting her new swim cover up from Honey.
Harry and David came to see Aunt Rosie
Standing Guard over Anna Lou's new tent
Mom used the kids gingerbread houses to decorate her table. She also made a delicious meal that kinda resembles what we missed at Thanksgiving. Yum!
We had played a few games to wrap up our Christmas dinner. The first game created wonderful conversation and interesting personal info related to Christmas.
The other game involved hunting down a pickle.
Of course!
Cousins played the pickle game too. Wish I could remember the story behind the pickle. I do however remember Brooks and Nick, the winners both received Chick Fil A gift cards that are waiting to be redeemed Summer 2012.
Its not unusual for these out-laws to get head lamps in their stockings. They actually use them!
Papa Bear! We love him so much!
Day full of blessings and family. I am so thankful!