Friday, February 26, 2010

Culture Day at Apple Tree

This week at the boys' school (Apple Tree) had Cultural Day. During the month of February they've been studying maps, countries, flags and cultures from all over the world. This is a special day when they all dress in something that represents their home country and they bring food that originates from their own culture. Parents are invited to attend although there's no program. Just a little party with food. Unfortunately this was my first time to experience split time between the Bees. Their classes had parties in 2 different places at the same time. I was told they would be together so I only took one food item. I had a hard time explaining it to the boys. I guess we'll all get used to it. Can't imagine splitting my time between ball games and other school parties but those days are coming.

Without hesitation the consensus of our house agrees that American Football best represents us and its originality to the U.S. and even more so TEXAS. The boys were pumped up to wear their Baylor Bear football jerseys. Of course it took some explanation to others once they were at school. Still not sure Brooks understands the difference in "football" to the rest of the world and FOOTBALL to us. All he knows is soccer and football...and that's ok. We know there's really only one "football".

Bless poor Barrett's haircut. One thing Doha needs is some talent in the area of children's hair salons. Grow hair grow!

Yep, we took the Krispy Kremes. I thought they would be a huge hit with the kids plus they're pretty "American" in terms of food. I've been cooking/baking a lot this week so I totally wimped out and went to Krispy Kreme. I left feeling like LAME mommy of the month. No one really ate them, except Brooks and Barrett and a few other kids. We've had donuts for days and shared them with our neighbors. My Mama-Jer in me wasn't pleased with that decision when I saw the spread of other foods. I was going for something kids would eat, plus something easy. I still think donuts and Krispy Kreme are truly American.

Mrs. Asha and lesson I've learned about pre-school is that the most important thing is that my boys feel loved and are well taken care of. Mrs. Asha is so nurturing and takes such sweet care of Barrett. He's not always excited for drop off but she scoops him up every morning and makes me feel like she's the next best thing to me, his mommy.

This is Apple Tree's director. Michelle, is from Ireland as well as the other administration. They run an incredible school. Its only been open 2 1/2 years and its packed full. They've done an amazing job. Brooks has so learned so much that has perfectly prepared him for the ADS (American School of Doha) next year. Their curriculum is British based and its awesome.

Brooks and Barrett are 1 of the 2 Americans in their classes.

Brooks' class all made big flags from their own countries.

One thing is for eyes and my heart too are more open because of my experience in Doha. The simple experiences at nursery school in Doha have taught me a lot about families, mothers, kids, teachers, etc....they're really all the same. We have so much to learn from others and each of us really truly was made and created by the same God of this universe. Pretty amazing to see his creativity in so many different people. I pray this time and experience stays and sticks to my boys for their entire lives. Its an opportunity I didn't know they needed.


shannonmichaelis said...

An especially appropriate outfit after the Bears' win against the Aggies! Love the Krispy Kremes, though this girl won't be eating any of those!

Rick and Beth said...

I love reading your posts, Wendi! What a wealth of experiences your family is storing up. Lots of life-long memories. I appreciate your outlook on things and you must have a camera with you wherever you go!!

The Krispy Kremes were a fine idea!

Kylie said...

What incredible experiences your children are getting- learning about the whole world! I think it's so awesome!
I'm catching up on several blog posts at one time: The desert and the rain look like a blast, too! (Very reminiscent of our time in Southern Africa :))
And Krispy Kreme's are delicious!!