Pushing through with this post even with all the issues I'm having with the blog. Asking for prayer.
Our flight from Oman landed in Doha about 7pm. We were home and the kids were in bed by about 9pm. I debated about checking all the email I had missed while we were gone and decided to take advantage of the quiet time. After everyone was in bed I sat down to devastating news and learned that a precious little girl I knew went to be with Jesus. My sweet (Doha friend) Kelley, had lost her 3 year old little angel Isabelle on Friday, May 20th. I have felt feelings of shock and sadness so deep its hard to describe.
Kelley and her husband moved to Amsterdam just a few months ago. I was so sad to see them leave Doha and miss out on more time with such a sweet friend and amazing mother. We became fast friends through bunko and playdates but shared even more while being pregnant together and delivering babies just a few days apart. Her son Sebastian was born just a couple of days before Georgia.
Isabelle passed away due to complications from a febrile seizure. In her short 3 years Isabelle accomplished more than most. She gave the gift of hope and life to 4 other children. Her precious little heart lives on in another child.
So what now? My number one priority for this post is to ask for an army of prayer for the van der Meer family. I have been almost paralyzed by emotion as a mother thinking and grieving for Kelley. I cannot imagine the loss and emptiness. BUT I also know we can lean and trust in an All-Knowing God. He is Good all the time and though he allowed it, it did not come from Him. He will and already has made beauty from ashes.
Another reason for this post is to honor precious little Isabelle who I had the opportunity to know. She had the sweet spirit of her mommy. Big brown eyes, white blonde hair and a smile worth more than money could buy.
I never want to take my children and God's plan for their numbered days with me for granted. Now is the time! Kelley is an outstanding example of unconditional love for her children. I will never forget that. Our children are only our's by the grace of God. Its also only by His grace and mercy that I could handle and press through the loss of one of my children. Impossible, without God.
Please please pray for this precious family. Kelley and her kids were home in Missouri visiting family. On Tuesday evening Isabelle stopped breathing during her nap. She was put on life support until her Daddy, Richard could get to the U.S. since he had stayed behind for work. Friday morning they were all able to hold her and say goodbye as Heaven welcomed that precious little life!

Our flight from Oman landed in Doha about 7pm. We were home and the kids were in bed by about 9pm. I debated about checking all the email I had missed while we were gone and decided to take advantage of the quiet time. After everyone was in bed I sat down to devastating news and learned that a precious little girl I knew went to be with Jesus. My sweet (Doha friend) Kelley, had lost her 3 year old little angel Isabelle on Friday, May 20th. I have felt feelings of shock and sadness so deep its hard to describe.
Kelley and her husband moved to Amsterdam just a few months ago. I was so sad to see them leave Doha and miss out on more time with such a sweet friend and amazing mother. We became fast friends through bunko and playdates but shared even more while being pregnant together and delivering babies just a few days apart. Her son Sebastian was born just a couple of days before Georgia.
Isabelle passed away due to complications from a febrile seizure. In her short 3 years Isabelle accomplished more than most. She gave the gift of hope and life to 4 other children. Her precious little heart lives on in another child.
So what now? My number one priority for this post is to ask for an army of prayer for the van der Meer family. I have been almost paralyzed by emotion as a mother thinking and grieving for Kelley. I cannot imagine the loss and emptiness. BUT I also know we can lean and trust in an All-Knowing God. He is Good all the time and though he allowed it, it did not come from Him. He will and already has made beauty from ashes.
Another reason for this post is to honor precious little Isabelle who I had the opportunity to know. She had the sweet spirit of her mommy. Big brown eyes, white blonde hair and a smile worth more than money could buy.
I never want to take my children and God's plan for their numbered days with me for granted. Now is the time! Kelley is an outstanding example of unconditional love for her children. I will never forget that. Our children are only our's by the grace of God. Its also only by His grace and mercy that I could handle and press through the loss of one of my children. Impossible, without God.
Please please pray for this precious family. Kelley and her kids were home in Missouri visiting family. On Tuesday evening Isabelle stopped breathing during her nap. She was put on life support until her Daddy, Richard could get to the U.S. since he had stayed behind for work. Friday morning they were all able to hold her and say goodbye as Heaven welcomed that precious little life!