I'm not sure what the problem is but since I didn't grow up with brothers I'm pretty convinced its a BOY thing.
Hello Barrett, whats on your hand and face??

While Brooks was at school Barrett found a little bottle of blue food coloring. I was eating my lunch while I thought Barrett was quietly playing by himself. Thank goodness for tile floors!

After his nap he found my purse and mascara.

While making a phone call (ironically to cash in on the spa day Nick got me for Valentines) the boys absolutely destroyed the kitchen. Every cabinet and drawer was opened and rummaged through. All appliances were open, refreshments were served and a fun game of dodge ball was played with dishwasher detergent cubes.

I guess they are taking a break and having a snack. Barrett looks to be eating the detergent and Brooks is still drinking his Diet Coke in what resembles a shot glass but is really a small tupperware container. Obviously toxic cleaners and bug sprays are out for poisoning, plus the plunger and rubber gloves which are always free from bacteria...nice!

Shortly after the kitchen blew-up. I found Brooks and Barrett at two separate times each in the dryer with the door closed while the other brother just laughed. Clean clothes all over the floor. I promise, all I was trying to do was make a phone call and cook dinner. Obviously I blame myself for the lack of 100% supervision but seriously...this must have something to do with boys. Colors, books, puzzles, etc get very little attention around. Curious George has some stiff competition. I'm pretty sure Caryn and Jenise support my theory! Both have boys and come from all girl families. Help a sister out!!! And Jen, please don't be alarmed that you just found out boy #2 is on the way. They really are fun, just don't leave them alone and plan a lot of spa days!
Hello Barrett, whats on your hand and face??
While Brooks was at school Barrett found a little bottle of blue food coloring. I was eating my lunch while I thought Barrett was quietly playing by himself. Thank goodness for tile floors!
After his nap he found my purse and mascara.
While making a phone call (ironically to cash in on the spa day Nick got me for Valentines) the boys absolutely destroyed the kitchen. Every cabinet and drawer was opened and rummaged through. All appliances were open, refreshments were served and a fun game of dodge ball was played with dishwasher detergent cubes.

I guess they are taking a break and having a snack. Barrett looks to be eating the detergent and Brooks is still drinking his Diet Coke in what resembles a shot glass but is really a small tupperware container. Obviously toxic cleaners and bug sprays are out for poisoning, plus the plunger and rubber gloves which are always free from bacteria...nice!
Shortly after the kitchen blew-up. I found Brooks and Barrett at two separate times each in the dryer with the door closed while the other brother just laughed. Clean clothes all over the floor. I promise, all I was trying to do was make a phone call and cook dinner. Obviously I blame myself for the lack of 100% supervision but seriously...this must have something to do with boys. Colors, books, puzzles, etc get very little attention around. Curious George has some stiff competition. I'm pretty sure Caryn and Jenise support my theory! Both have boys and come from all girl families. Help a sister out!!! And Jen, please don't be alarmed that you just found out boy #2 is on the way. They really are fun, just don't leave them alone and plan a lot of spa days!