Our last two days in London were spent with friends. A little less walking and a little warmer. Nick was working Wednesday through Friday all day so we made plans to get out of the hotel. Wednesday we met up with Christine and Megan in Covent Garden (my favorite area of town)! We started off at the Transport Museum which came highly recommended by everyone! Christine pulled Megan out of school and took the train into the city. We were all so so thankful to have a little more time with our friends.
Lunch where we were not ashamed to pull out any available Apple products to keep people quiet.

Took the bridge to walk Megs and Christine back to their train station.
On our way back to the hotel we stopped for a ride on this beautiful carousel, in what I think its called the South Bank area. Its right on the river near the Eye. There were little Christmas markets set up. It was like a movie, once again.

I don't have a picture of our dinner which was mouthwatering! Real Belgium waffles and German sausage. Good lordy!
The boys enjoyed a few rides. No fear.

Barrett and I loved the bumper cars.
That finished up day 3 in the city!