Oh goodness our last few days in Doha were filled with chaos, joy, tears, heartache and a huge over whelming feeling of undeserved blessings! There aren't words or pictures to accurately describe how we felt and in many ways I think that's what keeps our experience so sacred and special. I was just a basket full of hormones and emotions which wasn't my favorite. We took every opportunity we could to grab one last hug, visit, experience with all that we were leaving behind and of course there wasn't enough enough time.
TCBY with our sweet friends Ava and Audrey
Georgia's last day at Apple Tree
Georgie with her Arab Barbie from Aunt Sherry! Doha treasure for sure!
My last ladies Bible Study at Grace Fellowship..forever remembered and treasured group.
This is one of my most treasured departing gifts. My dear friend Beth made this precious quilt for Townley. What an amazing labor of love and its absolutely adorable!

A few nights before leaving Doha we spent some special time with friends who have blessed us and especially our children and home. Gwen has been apart of our family for all 5 years. She served our us so well and sacrificially. Its so hard for us and Americans to understand how house help, nannies, live-in maids, drivers, etc. play such a big role in eastern cultures. I was so quick to judge the extra help people hired as expats when I first arrived. Of course there is unfair treatment in certain situations and always a tendency to get lazy with the luxury of such a unique blessing. But for the most part we all help each other benefit. We were immensely blessed for Gwen to be in our house so often. We were humbled to provide her a job to support her family in the Phillipines but she will never know how her life, her spirit, her family and sacrifice influenced me forever. God used her and saying goodbye was one of the hardest of all. Letting go and not knowing if we'll ever hug again on this side of heaven was horrible feeling.
Gwen and Georgia
Mrs. Raquel also was one of our favorites! She lived with our dear friends the Patrizi's and gave a lot of sweet love to our doggies and kiddos. She'll always have a special place in our hearts.
Last night with some of our Doha fam. Aunt Sherry and Noodle Head!
Last hugs with Gwen!
After we packed our house we spent our last few nights at a hotel. One of my newest and dearest Doha friends Clarissa stopped by to say goodbye. We shared Doha pregnancies together which makes for fast friends! We met in India about a year ago and I have been so blessed and spiritually challenged since that time!