On our first morning we took a private driving tour of Rome. We stopped at various places all over the city as well as drove by some special places that we just wanted to see. Our tour guide was awesome and so helpful with the boys. We were in awe and absolutely amazed!! To see places where the disciples walked was mind blowing. The history and ambiance of the entire city was something I'll never forget.
Off for the day...
Roman Forum

Capitol Hill
Barrett loved chasing the pigeons!! LOVED IT!
Palentine Hill

Other random sites with incredible architecture and design...

Spanish Steps

Trevi Fountain

Our tour guide helping Barrett look through a key hole. The view was incredible.
I tried to get my camera to focus but you can't see the Vatican far in the distance.
Amazing place we ate for lunch (twice)

Bear woke up and I enjoyed some much much much needed and delish ham/cheese bread. Its been 7 months since we've had any "Wilber" so we had a lot of pork in Italy!!
One of the many many many churches...

Smart cars everywhere and parking any way they wanted.
Headed to din-din

Aunt Margaret, Me and Mom
Someone's random apartment I was totally jealous and speechless over.
Unbelievable fresh flowers for sale
We had so much fun spending some of our Rome time with my aunt and uncle. We just happened to plan our trip about the same time they came with their church choir. Unfortunately our timing didn't work out to see their performance.
HELLOOOOO....GELATOOOOO! Yes, we had this every single day!
Papa and his boys! We seriously couldn't have done it without him or Honey! They were so much fun and the BEST help! We made some incredible memories! More pics and posts to come...

Keep those posts & pictures coming! I've been waiting for 2 weeks. Looks AWESOME!!! Miss you!
omg I CANNOT get enough of these Italy pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm imagining I'm there with you!!!!!!! :) What absolute beauty---EVERYWHERE! I cannot get over it. Can't wait to see you soon!!
OMG - AMAZING - Seriously the trip of a lifetime I mean incredible!!! You look beautiful by the way and your family is just darling. Love those matching boys :) Can't wait for more.
Such wonderful photography!! And Such a Beautiful family. I love taking a little virtual Rome vacation with your family...everything is breathtaking!!! A trip of a lifetime for sure.
Oh my gosh! These pictures brought back so many memories! It is so neat to see your pictures from Rome in the summer season. Is that Katja in the picture with Barrett? If it is I almost didn't recognize her without her big coat and hat!
Also, the place that you guys ate at twice, I randomly took a picture of that exact spot because I thought it looked neat! Ha!
Looks like you all had a blast! I want to go back so bad.
Are you guys in the states now?
I can't wait to read about the rest of your trip.
Seriously, when are you posting more? I could look at those pictures all day long. Beeeaautiful! Memories for a lifetime and such fun that your parents were there with you. Love you and can't wait to see you so very soon!
Okay, seriously jealous! Looks like so much fun!! I'm glad the boys had so much fun too.
Beautiful! I'm loving living vicariously through you right now. I could take a picture of the court house in old Victoria. It was built in the 1900s and looks like a gingerbread house. You are keeping me cultured right now. I'm oddly mostly envious of the food. I can only imagine. So fun. If you live in Doha much longer I'll be requesting a girls trip to Rome for sure. Love you!
What a fun trip! :)
Looks like fun was had by all! What great memories.
And what planning! You did it! Fun & looks like not too stressful absorbtion of the culture! So glad you 6 could enjoy together! Jan
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